Closing Night

Closing Night

01 Oct 2023

Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) | Jakarta, Indonesia

Dari YouTube ke panggung megah! UNTUK PERTAMA KALINYA, podcast dan konten fenomenal ‘Close the Door’ oleh Deddy Corbuzier akan dibawakan offline penuh interaksi bersama penonton setia dengan nama ‘Closing Night’, hasil kolaborasi antara Samara Live dan Flux Creative Universe. 

Pertunjukan satu malam, ‘Closing Night’ dengan berbagai program seru yang siap membuat kamu full “wkwkwk”! Bakalan ada penampilan spesial yang berbeda dari yang kamu tonton di layar oleh The One and Only, Deddy Corbuzier.  Dimeriahkan juga oleh Coki Pardede, Kiky Saputri, Praz Teguh, dan Denny Chandra. Kebayang banget gak sih seriusnya? Kalo belum, ya lihat aja nanti!

Acaranya bakal ada di Assembly Hall - Jakarta Convention Center, tanggal 1 Oktober 2023 mulai pukul 19.00 - 21.30. Masa iya mau ketinggalan acara ini? Yuk ah beli tiketnya sekarang juga!

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    2. Entry will be refused if e-vouchers have not been purchased from Cognitix or other authorized points of sale.
    3. The resale of e-vouchers at the same or any price in excess of the initial purchase price is prohibited.
    4. Any complaints regarding the event will be directed to and dealt with by the Promoter.
    5. Other terms and conditions stated in Cognitix's website and displays at all our authorized agents and box office are also applicable.
    6. For other terms and conditions, please refer to the venue and promoter website.
    7. This e-tickets can be used to enter the venue on the day event is held
    8. Cognitix is not responsible for lost or stolen tickets. Cognitix also not responsible for risk of loss and or title for gift vouchers, which transmitted electronically to other purchaser upon electronic transmission to the recipient.

    Samara Live